Quality of education

At Kirkstall Valley Primary, we are committed to delivering an inclusive and comprehensive curriculum that engages, informs and opens doors to the wider world. As a maintained school, we follow the National Curriculum. Our school aims to teach the contents of the National Curriculum in a way which is relevant to our context and our children. 


We are working hard to ensure that our curriculum teaching is of high quality. In recent months, senior leaders and subject leaders have worked to ensure that, across school, teaching is mapped carefully and coherently. This means that children’s learning in their younger years will be revisited, consolidated and deepened as they move through school. We are constantly improving our own subject and pedagogical knowledge by collaborating with subject specialists and recognised organisations. Please see our curriculum page for a fuller breakdown of how or teaching is organised and the contents of each subject in each year group. Our subject leaders would be very happy to speak to anyone about their work! 


We intentionally design our curriculum so that it provides children with many opportunities to explore the world in which they live and the problems that communities face. Our focus on humanitarian issues and the environment is an integral part of our teaching. 


We believe that a curriculum is more than subject knowledge and subject skills that we teach, though these are obviously very important! Within our curriculum planning are opportunities for children to take part cultural activities, trips, visits and experiences that will provide them with memories and cultural capital.