
As Governors, we are very proud of our school – it is clear to us that the pupils thrive here: they are safe, work hard and enjoy their learning. The teaching staff put in a huge number of hours preparing and delivering lessons, whilst giving the children the care and attention they need. The success and development of the pupils is clearly reflective of the staff’s drive, dedication and hard work.

We have an excellent mix of Governors comprising of elected parents, local authority representatives, community members, teachers and associate members. The Governors bring a wealth of knowledge covering a wide range of areas e.g. finance, recruitment, health and safety, special education needs and pastoral support.

We volunteer our time and regularly meet at the school to not only support, but also challenge the Headteacher in our role as ‘critical friend’. We are the strategic managers of the school creating and reviewing school policies, targets and the direction of the school.



Mr Phil Robertson

Mrs Colleen Jackson

Mrs Lauren Cannan 


Mr Nigel Slee


Cllr Fiona Venner
Ms Sally Dalton 


Staff Governor
Co-opted Governor
LA Governor
Co-opted Governor

Start date: 01/02/2022

Start date: 16/09/2019
Start date: 14/01/2021

End date: 01/02/2025

End date: 15/09/2023
End date: 13/01/2025
Full voting rights

Full voting rights

Full voting rights
Full voting rights
Full voting rights
Full voting rights

I am Headteacher of Kirkstall Valley Primary School and in 2023/24, will enter my sixth year of headship.

I am immensely proud of our school, our children and our staff team and am so grateful to the governing body for being the 'critical friends' the school needs to be able to be the best version  of itself possible.

If you are interested in supporting our work, please do get in touch.

I am now retired but have worked in education for the past forty years. My most recent role was to support a number of Head Teachers in school improvement.

As the Chair of Governors at Kirkstall Valley Primary School, I work with all the governors to ensure the best outcomes for our children in every area of their lives. 

I am very proud to be a member of the largest group of volunteers in the country and even more proud to be working on behalf of all pupils, staff and parents in this wonderful school community.

As staff governor, I work at KVPS and have lots of experience within school. I have been Reception teacher for the majority of my teaching career, which gives me a lot of experience with the Early Years Curriculum & key priorities. Early Years is a passion of mine and I love working in Reception. However, I do also have experience in Year 2, Year 1 & during my time spent as SENDCo I covered (PPA) across school. As a previous SENDCo, I have good knowledge and understanding around children with SEND and how school is working with these children. I have also been Humanities lead and I am currently PE Lead, so I have good curriculum knowledge.I am also Safeguarding trained and act as part of the child protection (CP) team as a CP officer. I am involved in all of the school’s safeguarding cases. As Reception teacher, I am the Early Year’s CP link.


I have been a member of the Governing Board since January 2021 and I am also a parent of 2 children at KVPS. I have worked as a librarian in higher education for over 10 years and I have a particular interest in inclusive and accessible learning and teaching – where all learners feel included, valued and accepted.   

I feel privileged to be part of the KVPS family and I have enjoyed working in partnership with the school to ensure we are providing a high quality and meaningful education to children in our community.

Mr Zesh Khan

Ms Victoria Pearson

Ms Hannah Watson

Ms Rebecca Hague 

Mr Ashley Lund



Mrs Cath Scanlon


Parent Governor

Parent Governor

Co-opted Governor

Associate Member

Associate Member

Co-opted Governor

Office Manager

 Deputy Headteacher

Start date: 05/05/2022

Start date: 01/07/2019

Start date: 31/10/2021

Start date: 09/03/2020

Start date: 25/09/2019

End date: 05/05/202

End date: 30/06/2023

End date: 31/10/2024

End date: 08/03/2024

End date: 24/09/2023

Full voting rights

Full voting rights

Full voting rights

No voting rights

No voting rights





I am an Associate in an accounting organisation. Specifically, I work in the Corporate Secretarial Services team, providing Corporate Secretarial support to a diverse range of companies. 

I have always valued education, and having completed a Masters in Corporate Governance, I wanted to engage with the local community where I could use my knowledge from my degree. I am proud to be a School Governor for KVPS, and working alongside fellow governors to support the staff, pupils and parents. 





Miss Mary Togher 






Co-opted Governor







HT Performance Management Governors

Colleen Jackson, Hannah Watson




Governing Body Summary

Category  Seats Possible Seats Approved Vacancies

Co-opted Representative

6 5 1
Head Teacher 1 1 0
LA Representative 1 1 0
Parent Representative 2 2 0
Staff  Representative 1 1 0
Total 11 10 0
Associated Members 3 3 0

Specific monitoring duties:

Safeguarding/Child Protection- Colleen Jackson

Children Looked After- 

SEND- Victoria Pearson

Equalities- Colleen Jackson

Early Years Foundation Stage- Emma Carter

English- Emma Carter


Humanities- Victoria Pearson


Attendance- Victoria Pearson



Pupil Premium- 

PE & Sports Premium- 

Health & Safety- Sally Dalton

Staff Wellbeing and Engagement- 

Website and communications- Emma Carter

School Council link- 



The Governing Body of each school is required by regulations made under the School Standards and Framework Act 1998 to establish a register which lists for each member of the Governing Body and the Headteacher any business or personal interests they or any member of their immediate family have, which could conflict with the school's interests.  Please find below governors who have declared interests:

Currently no governors have declared any interests.