
We aim for Maths to be an adventure at Kirkstall Valley: a subject in which children can immerse themselves, get creative, make mistakes and conquer. Our aim is to nurture a love of mathematics and a deepening understanding which will allow our children to thrive in future learning and practice. Study in mathematics at Kirkstall Valley follows the national curriculum using the long and medium-term planning provided by the White-Rose Maths Hub. Our teaching is augmented by the use of Power Maths – the only mastery programme perfectly aligned to the White-Rose progressions and schemes of learning to be recommended by the DfE. We benefit from the expertise of the West Yorkshire Maths Hub who have provided our school with professional development. Our teaching sequences ensure that children have opportunities to develop fluency, reasoning and problem solving. 

Please find here the primary national curriculum for Mathematics: 

Link to Maths National Curriculum

We have adapted the Power Maths long term plans to allow time for children to learn prerequisite skills/ small steps before moving onto the current year’s learning where learning has been interrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Teachers can use the previous year’s Power Maths materials or the White Rose premium resources to teach these small steps. On the long-term plans, these prerequisite skills/ small steps are highlighted in red. 

Maths Long-term Plan

Whilst following the Power Maths scheme, mathematical skills and knowledge should be delivered, explored and revisited through conscious decision making and awareness of pupils’ individual needs. Children should develop resilience and self-confidence in applying their learning skills. A ‘mastery’ approach has been adapted and implemented at Kirkstall Valley Primary School. Teachers are expected to take the following mastery strategies into account:  

- Teaching in sequential small steps  
- A ping pong style of delivery  
- Implementing the Concrete, Pictorial and Abstract (CPA) approach to introducing, exploring and applying mathematical concepts  
- Applying/using the Bar Model approach as a strategy to approach calculation/problems  
- Considering key questions and mathematical vocabulary at the point of unit planning  
- Multiple opportunities for verbal and written/drawn reasoning (explaining and using mathematical vocabulary to explain methods or reasoning) within unit exploration  
- Inclusion of relevant problem-solving opportunities, where children are expected to draw on and apply multiple concepts to address or approach a challenge  
- Modelling of all skills and approaches  
- Modelling and sharing of efficient and accurate application of methods  
- Opportunities to explore Maths concepts/objectives at ‘greater depth’  
Include all learners, providing relevant support for those with additional needs (educational, medical or otherwise)  

In Reception, Year 1 and Year 2, teachers are currently taking part in the Mastering Number project which aims to This project aims to secure firm foundations in the development of good number sense for all children. The aim over time is that children will leave KS1 with fluency in calculation and a confidence and flexibility with number.

More information about this project can be found here.

Because we follow the Power Maths scheme, each child has their own workbook to complete their work in. They also have a separate Maths exercise book to record all other work.  Each class has an adequate store of resources that support specific units of learning. For example, to support a unit on Place Value children will have access to base ten, place value coins/ arrows, tens frames, counters etc. Children are encouraged to independently select the equipment they need. Each class will have their own set of resources to prevent cross-contamination between classes. Resources are audited frequently by the Maths Subject Leader to ensure classes have access to the resources they need.  
Each classroom has a Mathematics working wall that includes a mixture of generic, age-appropriate display material which is relevant all year round, and display material which reflects current Maths teaching and learning, such as mathematical vocabulary, visual aids and interactive activities where appropriate. There should be a range of concrete, pictorial and abstract approaches on the Working Wall.  

Our Early Years ethos is embedded in the Characteristics of Effective Learning and seeks to support young children’s development in Mathematical skills.  In foundation, we expect children to learn Mathematical skills and vocabulary mainly through play and small group interactions with adults and each other. Across the foundation unit, there are lots of resources to support this: we have a specific Maths area in Reception and Nursery which includes lots of resources (Numicon, scales, shapes, number lines, books etc.). However, all areas of provision should include some maths resources to support children’s mathematical skills and language. For example, in the construction area children are encouraged to build and compare large- and small-scale models, create patterns, match and sort shapes and develop the language of position. 

In nursery, there are appropriate whole-class carpet inputs that focuses on developing children’s mathematical skills and language. In Reception, we adopt a mastery approach and use the White Rose Scheme of Learning to support this. The scheme underpins the New Educational Programme for Mathematics and helps deliver a curriculum that embeds mathematical thinking and talk. The scheme also further supports the mastery style of teaching we have developed in Reception over recent years. In Reception at Kirkstall Valley, the teacher teaches whole class carpet inputs every afternoon for 30 minutes. 

Throughout Key Stages One and Two, each day begins with a taught maths lesson..

Every morning, as soon as children arrive at school they will have a Maths starter to complete. This will include a mix of arithmetic questions, iterative quizzing to aid retrieval and retention, and reasoning and problem solving tasks. 

Key Instant Recall Facts are taught and practised daily at Kirkstall Valley. We have a whole school KIRF long term plan which sets out 2 or 3 objectives for each half term and links to key skills from the National Curriculum. We have allocated 15 minutes per day for teachers to teach and practice these skills with the children. Teachers may also teach key instant recall facts from previous years in this time because of missed learning due to the Coronavirus pandemic.  

At Kirkstall Valley, we use a mixture of same day intervention and planned intervention. Each day, after the teaching input, teachers will identify children who need additional intervention. The intervention may be done with the teaching assistant or the teacher. The rest of the class will either go straight onto independent learning in their workbooks or do another activity (assembly, circle time, class story etc.) Teachers will also identify children who will need planned interventions which will take place on an afternoon with a teaching assistant. 

Assessment in mathematics may be diagnostic, before a unit begins, formative, throughout a unit to check retention, and summative, using the Power Maths assessments and PUMA standardised practice papers. Assessments are carried out by both teachers and support staff, who discuss pupils’ progress daily, adapting teaching, activities and groupings appropriatelyBoth Nursery and Reception assess children against the EYFS framework using evidence from interaction, observation and questioning. 

For further information about our maths curriculum, please speak to Mrs Bampton.

Our governor with responsibility for maths is Hannah Watson.